Visit to Cogolls
The village of Cogolls is made up of scattered farmhouses, the central hub of Cogolls, the rectory and the school. The Romanesque church of Sant Cristòfol, located in the village, is the oldest in the Vall d’Hostoles (circa 986). On the way to Cogolls, we find both the chapel of Sant Grau and the hermitage of Sant Pelegrí. The Sant Grau ‘fiesta’, which takes place on 12 October, is a very old tradition and has become the main local festival. You can walk from the centre of Les Planes to Cogolls up a moderate gradient of about 4 km, which takes about 50 minutes. During the summer season, it can only be reached on foot, as traffic in Cogolls is restricted.
From Cogolls, you can climb to the remains of the castle of Puig-Alder, of Romanesque origin, which separated the bishoprics of Vic and Girona. This castle was mentioned in the will of Bernat Tallaferro in 1020.