Local history: from the 13th century to the 17th century
1207: Miró III, seigneur d'Hostoles, fait don de 17 fermes remences des paroisses de Les Planes, Cogolls, Sant Pere Sacosta et Les Encies à l'abbé d'Amer. Ces paysans sont soumis à des impositions et des abus des seigneurs, mals usos.
1283: The Courts of Barcelona promulgate the anti-Remença constitution, starting with the famous words: "In the lands or places...". (En les terres o llocs.)
1305: In recognition of services provided, King James II cedes civil and criminal jurisdiction to Guillem Galceran de Cartellà.
1347-48: A terrible plague begins causing serious illness in the Hostoles valley. Many farms are abandoned due to the death of their inhabitants.
1537: King Pere the Ceremonious sells the civil and criminal jurisdictions, and the entire valley of Hostoles to Guillem Galceran de Rocabertí.
1416: The Royal Council recommends that King Ferdinand I recovers the castle of Hostoles owned by Garau de Rocabertí.
1419: After the redemption of the valley, King Alfonso grants the first privileges to elect consuls and advisers.
1427-28: Strong earthquakes shake the valley. The parish churches of Les Planes, Sant Pere Sacosta, Cogolls and Les Encies are destroyed.
1441: Maria de Jonquers is born at Mas el Jonquer de les Planes and meets Alfons of Aragón (bastard son of King John II). In 1456 he kidnaps her and they have two children: John of Aragon (1457-1518) and Elionor. During the Remença uprising, Maria de Jonqueres assists the French and acts as Governor of Benavarri. In 1477, when Alfonso married Leonor de Sotomayor, Maria de Jonqueres entered a convent, and died there in 1506.
1462: The Remença riots and the Catalan civil war began, which last until 1472. Verntallat, captain general of the king in the mountains, led some Remença offensives from the castle of Hostoles.
1474: Verntallat is appointed Viscount of Hostoles.
1486: Arbitration judgement of Guadalupe is agreed between the lords and the peasants. (An agreement known as La Sentència Arbitral de Guadalupe, which brought about the abolition of taxes and feudal abuses and injustices.) It signalled the end of the Remença conflict.) More detailed information about the Remença revolt in the Plains.
1488: Llorenç Espígol is proposed by the Universitat de la Vall and appointed royal bailiff.
1500: A period of relative prosperity begins in the valley, in the midst of the upheavals and conflicts taking place in Catalonia.
1607: King Felipe III intervened in the problem posed by Vall d'Hostoles in the election of consuls, councillors and mayors through the insaculation system (balls drawn by lot).
1619: Pere Torrent, alias Cufí, the sorcerer of Les Encies is tried and condemned to the gallows.
1646: On 2 February, Joan Carbonés of Sant Pere Sacosta builds a rudimentary chapel to Maria Santíssima de la Font de la Salut and becomes a hermit to take care of it.