Route to Sant Pere Sacosta
3h 35 min8.7 km
593 m
The parish of Sant Pere Sacosta is one of the most remote nuclei in the Vall d’Hostoles (built in 1207 according to the history books), formerly inhabited by Remences (peasants who were committed to feudal taxes and therefore unable to abandon their land). It is located on the northern slope of the mountain range of Puig de Moro, below the Coll de Condreu, on the northern cliff of El Far. The circular route begins in the town of Les Planes, passing by places of interest such as the Vedruna district and the hermitage of the Àngel, and some gorges and waterfalls on the way back.
This parish is beneath the Roques Encantades (The Enchanted Rocks), a magical place behind the Sanctuary de la Salut.