Route to the Sanctuary of El Far

More than 4 hours
5.4 km
1125 m
562 m

The Sanctuary of El Far, located at the top of the cliff of the same name, is one of the most visible points in the region. From there you can see the valleys of Sau and Susqueda, the Vall d’Hostoles, the mountain range of Finestres, Rocacorba and the plains of Gironès, right out to the sea. On the way you will pass by Roca del Diable (Devil’s Rock) or del Llamp and the oak of la Xuriguera (considered the tallest Martinique oak in Catalonia) among other places of interest.plain the Sau and Susqueda valleys, the Hostoles valley, the Finestres mountains, Rocacorba, the Gironès plain and the sea. On the way you pass the Roca del Diable or del Llamp, the Xuriguera oak (considered the tallest Martinen oak in Catalonia), among other places of interest.

Photos: Turisme Garrotxa

Tour to the Lighthouse Sanctuary